Bem Vindo

Day 6: Journal Excerpts

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Today has been wonderful so far. I went swimming this morning, and re-read Boal's take on the four types of catharsis (according to him) :). He says though, that RoD catharsis is about exploring change-
realizing that you have the power to choose IS the catharsis, not coming to the conclusion.

A Brazilian group performed a Forum Theatre piece for us today. The piece was centered around trying to find work when you are managing a mental illness.
I see this same struggle among the men I work with back home, and sometimes its a frustrating sight. They are often ready to do good work, and complete all the necessary requirements, but are set back by how sluggish they feel on meds, or by prejudiced employers who are skeptical of their ability to care for themselves and/ or others, or if thy can even get the job done.
The language barrier was only disappointing when english-speakers missed the punch lines (when all the Brazilians laughed) and when I wanted to express how I felt about the performance with the actors at the end.

We continued Cop-In-The-Head work today. 6 scenes emerged from the original story, that now addressed a similar, recognizable cop in the life of the supporter.